Friday, January 15, 2010

The Year of the Penguin - The Beginning

The Year of the Penguin is a blog about books. Exciting, challenging, wonderful books. I've had a love affair with them for years now.

The project includes more than just me (little r) and actually started a while ago.

So, we really started this last summer after reading a different blog. A friend and fellow blogger, whom you will get to read (yay!) enlightened a few of us to this blog and the challenge and we decided to try it.

The challenge, at its most basic, is to read a classic for every letter of the alphabet (by author). I like it because its a way to read stuff that I have been meaning to read for years but have been unmotivated/uninspired to really try. I mean, I know I should have read Ulysses by now but the name "Ulysses" just makes me think of the civil war and smoking cigars while getting wasted in a cabin so I have never gotten myself to even open the book. Unfair stereotype to Joyce and President Grant I know.

This blog is going to track our progress and be a place for us tot alk about what we are reading and what is slowing is down from finishing, you know, those things like life, other books, boys, etc.


  1. WAIT! We get to talk about boys here?! Hahaha..

    Also, I love your view of Ulysses. I completely agree! It's a great opportunity to read things I never would have read on my own, and so far I've been really pleasantly surprised.

  2. I need to complete my list and get started! My problem is that there are so many I want to read, I end up with a primary list and at least a secondary list! Maybe I'll just decide based on what is actually at the library...

  3. haha I think that is a good strategy. I think allison made a second list as well as a first one.
